Indi Sharp– President
Hello! My name is Indi and I study Classical Archaeology and Ancient History. I am thrilled to introduce myself as your JCR President. My job entails representing you, and the entire Worcester undergraduate body, to the powerful figures in college, so that we might encourage positive change. That being said, you are incredibly lucky to find yourselves as students of Worcester, which is a very friendly and close-knit community. You will see me around a lot, so please never hesitate to stop me for a chat or raise an issue.
Ethan Penny – Vice President and Treasurer! I’m Ethan. I’m a second-year PPEist, and I’ll be your Vice President and Treasurer next year. I’ll be responsible for the JCR finances, which will involve working with the rest of the JCR team to ensure events and motions are properly funded. I’ll ensure you’re always in the loop about where JCR money is going and listen to your suggestions about how things could work better.
Estelle Onwuka – Secretary everyone! My name is Estelle and I am currently studying English and Beginner’s Modern Greek at Worcester. As your secretary I am here to help with any queries that anyone may have, no matter how big or small! My role is to keep the college up to date with current events as well as making sure everyone inside and outside the committee are happy with the JCR’s conduct. The highlight of my job is the weekly punny emails so be on the lookout for those!
El Wills – Welfare Rep! I’m El and I’m a second year Classics student. I will be your Female Welfare Rep this year so, along with Greg, I will be organising weekly events such as Tea@3 and Wine@9 for people to come together in a relaxed setting, away from the academic stresses. Alongside these informal events, I will also be available for confidential 1-to-1 chats to go through any worries you may have. Information as to my availability for these will be out by the end of 0th week.
Greg Dain – Welfare Rep! I’m Greg, I’m a second year Chemistry student and I’m super excited to be one of your welfare reps next year! El and I will be hosting loads of welfare events (with a LOT of snacks…), so we’re looking forwards to hopefully seeing some of your faces there!
Grace Hillier – Class Act Rep
Hey I’m Grace and I’m your Class Act Rep! Class Act represents a whole range of different backgrounds including students from working class, low-income, state-school educated, first generation, care-experienced or estranged backgrounds. I have really enjoyed my role so far and I’m so excited to organise even more Tea@3’s and Pizza Nights (yes this means free pizza!!). Coming to Oxford from a non-traditional background is something that can be daunting at first but it is definitely celebrated here at Worcester with most students being Class Act students. Look out for some cool new events in Michaelmas ( possible formal dress swap!)
Joe Neeve – Entz Officer guy’s, I’m Joe! I’m a second year Earth Science student here at Worcester and will be your Entz Rep for this year. My role basically consists of planning, organising and running fun events for students each term. I work alongside three other members of the Entz to ensure everyone has a great time.
Scarlett Tillotson – Entz Treasurer
Hi I’m Scarlett, I’m from Leeds and I study biochemistry. I’ll be your entz treasurer this year. I’m so excited to be part of the entz team and can’t wait to help organise pink drinks and bops along with the rest of the team.
Alice May – Entz Secretary
Josephine Hibou – Entz Ticketing Officer!! I’m Joséphine, I study Biochemistry and I am the Entz Ticketing Rep for this year. I work with the rest of the Entz team to sell and distribute the tickets for all the amazing events put on by the team throughout the year. Looking forward to meeting you all very soon!
Nahom Lemma – BAME Rep, I’m Nahom and this year I’ll be your BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Rep! I study law and, when I’m not stuck in the law library, I’ll be organising the termly BAME drinks, hosting Tea@3s and generally being your point of call on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Lilly Hong – Access and Admissions Rep! I’m Lilly — a third-year studying maths at Worcester. My role involves working with Zoe and Lily (my staff counterparts) to organise things like college tours and open days, with the hope of inspiring more schoolchildren from all backgrounds to pursue further education. Please reach out if ever you want to help out with tours etc.; free food is often on offer, and the team of student ambassadors is one of the best communities around (biased, may I be!).
Anna Couzens – Faith Rep everyone, my name is Anna! I’m in second year, I study History and Spanish and I am the Faith Rep here at Worcester. I’m here to ensure that people of all faiths and religious backgrounds are represented in our college community. I work with the chaplains as well as university-wide faith societies to make sure you have access to anything you might need to practice your faith, and raise awareness across college about different religious practices. I want to make sure all your spiritual and pastoral needs are met, so do get in touch if you need anything!
Hazel Peters – LGBTQ+ Rep
Hey there! I’m Hazel and I’m your LGBTQ Rep. No matter the weather,
there is always a rainbow over Worcester. My role includes relaying information from OU LGBTQ SOC (for example, where the weekly
Tuesgays is being held) and hosting internal college events for LGBTQ.
Welfare and solidarity embodies my role just as much as celebration, so
you can also contact me if you would like to talk about how best the
college can support and recognise LGBTQ+ individuals.
Isla Akinla – Disabled Students Rep! I’m Isla. I’m a second year PPE student at Worcester. I am the Disability Rep and I work to try and ensure that everyone at Worcester with a disability feels that they have a supportive environment and community to rely on. I would love to see some new faces at Disabilite@3 (a small event where everyone in college is invited to meet and discuss their experiences and raise any concerns). I would love to hear from anyone with questions about what it’s like being a disabled student at Oxford. Please don’t feel you need a diagnosis to reach out!
Molly Spurgeon – Gender Equalities Rep
Jake McMeekin – Food and Bar Rep, I’m Jake McMeekin I study maths and Philosophy and I’m the food and bar rep. For the food side this means i’ll be sending out menus, planning special formals and communicating to college about any requests. And for the bar i’ll be hopefully putting on some events as well communicating any requests people might have.
Leo Watts – Housing and Internal Affairs Rep, I’m Leo and I’m your Housing Rep for this year. I work with the college to coordinate the housing ballot for assigning 2nd and 3rd year accommodation. I also deal with any issues you may have with your room, kitchen or building, so feel free to drop me an email or a message on Facebook 🙂
Serena Ng – International Students Rep! I’m Serena, I’m a second year law student and I’ll be your International Students’ Representative. I’m your point of contact if you have questions about moving in or out, settling down in a new country, or anything along those lines. I was born and raised in Hong Kong and moved here for uni, so I know a couple things about getting used to new cities and new people. Please feel free to reach out should you have any questions 🙂
Lucas Roberts – Computing Rep all, Lucas here. As both a 3rd history student and this year’s computing rep, my workload is clearly the hardest in all the JCR’s. However, don’t let that stop you emailing me for any and all issues or recommendations for the college’s WiFi, website, printers, and etc.
Jaiden Ghedia – Arts Rep’m Jaiden, I’m a second year English student, and I’m Worcester College’s Arts Rep for this period. My goal is to support as many Arts-related events as possible in college, so keep your eyes peeled!
Zohaa Butt – Woosta Source Editor, my name’s Zohaa, I study history and I’m the Woosta Source Editor ! I run the college magazine which comes out at the end of every term. It’s super chill and anyone can contribute to it ! If you have any questions or ideas to contribute to the magazine please do get in touch (especially if you have any gossip 👀). Looking forward to hearing your guys’ ideas !!
William Yost – Sports Rep, I’m Will and I am a second year chemist. I will be Sports Rep this year. The role involves overseeing college sport and organising sport related events. Sport is one of the best parts of Worcester life and I massively recommend getting involved in college sport – whatever your level of experience.
Euan Elliott – Sports Communication Officer (Mascot)
Kim Ng – Charities Rep guys!!! I’m Kim (she/her), studying PPE, and I’m your Charities Rep. I coordinate the JCR’s donations to different charities each term, where you’ll have a chance to vote on which charity to support! Additionally, I’ll be sending out posts anytime there’s stash drops, so keep an eye out for those 👀 Worcester’s a lovely college with generous and kind people, so I’m excited to meet all of you and build a stronger culture of giving <3 !!
Jack Miller – Environment and Ethics Rep everyone. My name is Jack Miller, I’m a third year PPE-ist (PPEr?). I’m the current college E&E rep. This involves running between the JCR and college on anything environmental or in the gardens. I also help run the edible garden by Mitchell. Feel free to message if you have any questions or ideas. 🙂
Niall Clarke – Suspended Students Rep! I’m Niall, I’m from North London, I am studying Philosophy and German and I’m the Suspended Students Rep. My role is the offer support to any suspended students or to students considering suspending their studies and will liaise with the Welfare team or Academic Support where necessary.
The freshers committee page can be found here.