- UNIQ, ran by the university, offers free residential and online programmes. UNIQ aims to increase competitive applications to Oxford from UK state schools.
- Oxford-First Generation Students is a group for students at the University of Oxford who are the first in their family to go to university. They run multiple initiatives to support first-gen students at the university.
- Target Schools is Oxford SU’s flagship access campaign. The programme is ran by Oxford university students and aims to demystify Oxford via roadshows and shadowing days.
- Oxford ACS is a student organisation which supports students of African/Caribbean heritage via initiatives such as the Visions Programme and an annual access conference.
- Target Oxbridge is a free programme which aims to support black and minority ethnic students in making competitive applications to ‘Oxbridge’.
- Oxford Pathways is a collaborative project ran by various Oxford colleges which offers opportunities for Year 10 – Year 13 state school students to engage with the university.
- IntoUniversity is a local programme which supports students from disadvantaged backgrounds via regional learning centres.
- Oxplore is a free interactive digital outreach portal created by the university. It challenges students aged between 11-18 to engage with the ‘big questions’ in our society.
- The Oxford Muslim Access Conference is being launched to address the multiple barriers affecting Muslim students applying to Oxford and other top institutions. Our goal is to not only inspire Muslims students who have the potential to thrive at Oxford but to equip them with the tools and skills required to access any top institution for their higher education and beyond.