Shivi GuptaPresident


Luke Lifton – Vice President and Treasurer

Hi, my names Luke and I am the JCR Vice-President and Treasurer. I ran for this role as I love a good spreadsheet, which I get to use lots of having just finished my first year studying physics. If you have any questions about JCR money or Oxford as a whole, please reach out and I’ll answer as best as I can.

Estelle Onwuka Secretary

Hello everyone! My name is Estelle and I am currently studying English and Beginner’s Modern Greek at Worcester. As your secretary I am here to help with any queries that anyone may have, no matter how big or small! My role is to keep the college up to date with current events as well as making sure everyone inside and outside the committee are happy with the JCR’s conduct. The highlight of my job is the weekly punny emails so be on the lookout for those!

Ashna Chaturvedi – Welfare Rep

Hello!! My name is Ashna and I am a second-year law student here at Worcester. I’m really excited to be one of your Welfare Reps next year. I can’t wait to meet you all (and learn about your wacky snack requests) at our weekly welfare teas!


Lars Rohle- Welfare Rep

Hi, I am Lars I study Maths and will be the male Welfare Rep this year. I will be running various welfare events where there will be free food, snacks and chat. I am one of the trained peer supporters for Worcester so if you ever need someone to have a confidential chat with feel free to message me or turn up to one of many peer support drop-in sessions which will be held at local Cafes.


Lilly Hong – Access and Admissions RepLilly

Hi everyone! I’m Lilly — the Access and Admissions Rep and a second-year mathematician. My role involves organising outreach events like Open Days, running college tours, and working with other student ambassadors to encourage applicants from all backgrounds. Please reach out if you’d like to help with any of this — we always love to have more helpers onboard (plus, access is great!).

Grace Hillier  – Class Act Rep


Joseph Neeve – Entz Officer


Minahil Ahmad – Entz Treasurer

Hi! I’m Mina and I’m your entz treasurer, which basically means I deal with all things budget and ticket prices related. You’ll also probably see me sober repping at most in college events (pink drinks, garden party, etc.). I study Earth Sciences and am from East London. If you have any questions feel free to email me! 🙂


Emily Daniel – Entz Secretary

Hi I’m Emily I’m from Leeds and I study PPE. This year I will be the Entz (entertainment) Secretary, so will be very excited to tell you about your first Oxford bop! I mainly make the bop posters and help out with the entz events like bops and pink drinks, so I am sure you will see me at these (or posting the info on the JCR facebook!)

Josephine Hibou – Entz Ticketing Officer


Nahom Lemma – BAME Rep

Hi, I’m Nahom and this year I’ll be your BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Rep! I study law and, when I’m not stuck in the law library, I’ll be organising the termly BAME drinks, hosting Tea@3s and generally being your point of call on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


Chiara Stark – Faith Rep

Hiya! I’m Chiara, the Worcester JCR Faith Rep! Since this is a new role, I’m still figuring out what this actually means, but basically, I’m here for any religion-related queries, or just a friendly chat! College is an amazing place to meet new people and try new things, but it can all get quite overwhelming, between suddenly living by yourself on top of the work and the socials. I’m here for when it maybe gets too much to juggle everything alongside a healthy interior life. Anything from alcohol and sex before marriage to how to be more loving to your peers, I’m here to listen and figure things out with you, rather than impose something on you – we can work through any worries together!

Hazel Peters LGBTQ+ Rep

I’m Hazel and I’m fortunate enough to be the LGBTQ+ Rep for the Worcester College JCR. My role involves organising events for the LGBTQ+ Community in Worcester and being a point of contact for LGBTQ+ students. In my experience, the college is a very welcoming, fun and safe space for queer expression. There is always a rainbow over Worcester 🌈

Skye Levett Trans and Non-binary Rep


Isla Akinla – Disabled Students Rep


Molly Spurgeon – Gender Equalities Rep


Lewis Callister – Food and Bar Rep

Hi, I’m Lewis, a second-year law student, and this year I’ll be your Food and Bar Rep! Whilst my main job will be behind the scenes organising hall events for the college and its clubs; you’ll also be seeing me spamming the JCR feed with weekly menus too. On the bar side of things, I’m always on the look out to hold more events so drop me a message if you have any suggestions

Jack Chambers – Housing and Internal Affairs Rep

Hey everyone, I’m Jack and I’ll be your Housing Rep for next year! I study maths and when I’m not poring over problem sheets you can usually find me playing either hockey or frisbee, which are lots of fun and very chill (would highly recommend both). I’m also an ambassador for Worcester and the Maths Department, so I help out at quite a lot of outreach events too (and I might even have met some of you already). Looking forward to meeting you all in Worcester soon!

Yuan Foo – International Students Rep

Hi everyone, I’m Yuan! I’m from Taiwan and I study Economics and Management and I’m the International Rep this year. I’m here to provide support for my fellow overseas students to make the college experience as accessible as possible. You can message me for any questions for international students (vac storage, events, travelling etc.)!

Lucas Roberts Computing Rep

Hey all, Lucas here. As both a history student and this year’s computing rep, my workload is clearly the hardest in all the JCR’s. However, don’t let that stop you emailing me for any and all issues or recommendations for the college’s WiFi, website, printers, and etc.

Jaiden Ghedia – Arts Rep


Zohaa Butt Woosta Source Editor


Vishil Devshi – Sports Rep

Hi My name is Vishil Devshi and I am the Sports Rep. Sports is a big part of Worcester, whenever a big match is held the Worcester students turn up with enthusiasm and excitement ready to support the college and it really helps build the strong community spirit that we have here at Worcester.

Reyati Loro – Charities Rep

Hi, I’m Reyati! I study chemistry and am this year’s Charities Rep! I am also in charge of stash such as puffers, fleeces and bags but I will primarily be organising fun fundraising events for charities local to Oxford, as well as national and international charities of the everyone’s choice. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Michaelmas, and please don’t worry about sub fusc as there will be a second-hand sale when you come!

Hebe Owen – Academic Affairs and Careers Rep


Jack Miller Environment and Ethics Rep


Niall Clarke – Suspended Students Rep

Hi! I’m Niall, I’m from North London, I am studying Philosophy and German and I’m the Suspended Students Rep. My role is the offer support to any suspended students or to students considering suspending their studies and will liaise with the Welfare team or Academic Support where necessary. I look forward to meeting you all in October!

Akshita – SU Rep

Hi, I’m Akshita, a 2nd year engineer and your SU Rep for next year. This means that I’m here to connect our college with the wider university student union and can bring up any concerns you may have in SU meeting to make sure your voices are heard. However, feel free to come up for a chat about anything – even where to go I know I was lost most of first term!


The freshers committee page can be found here.